The Asia Cohort Consortium

How to use the secured site

Welcome to the Help section of the ACC secured site. If you don't find your question answered here, please email us at

This page contains information on logging on to the secured site.

Request an account and access:

Access to the ACC secured site is limited to members of the ACC, basically PIs of ACC projects and cohorts. If you would like to request an account and access, please email the Coordinating Center at Please specify your affiliation and your interest in the ACC and supply contact information. It may take 2-3 business days to approve your account and grant you access.

Activate your account:

After approval, you will receive an email with an activation code and a link to activation page. 

Logging on:

To log on to the ACC secured site, click on the Members Access link. You will be prompted for your username (your email address) and the password. Please reset the temporally password provided by the Coordinating Center on your first logging-in.

Forgotten password:

If you forget or would like to change your password, you can reset it by visiting the "forgot your password?" page.

Browser compatibility issues:

This website works best with the most current versions of the web browsers listed below (not including "beta" versions). If you are using an outdated or unsupported web browser, you may find that some features may not work properly.

Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

If you are having trouble loading the websites using your web browser's most current version, you may need to clear your cache and cookies or review our browser troubleshooting help article.